Exploring Nix Flakes: Usable Go Plugins

Part 1: Setup for Plugin Consumption

In this part we will write a main application which can consume plugins. We will then write a plugin and explore how to inject this plugin into the main application. Our general approach is as follows:

Now, you are perhaps thinking

If we need to compile the whole application with a known list of plugins, those are not really plugins, but build flags.

and that is not entirely wrong. But we do preserve most features of runtime-injected plugins, including:

What we actually lose is the possibility to combine readily compiled binaries, i.e. someone who wants to setup the application with their hand-chosen set of plugins must use Nix to compile their executable. Given that Go applications are often installed via go get anyway, this doesn’t seem too much of a problem in general. However, Nix does not support all platforms Go supports, most prominently Windows. To remedy this, I will show in part 3 how to release for Windows from a Nix-capable host.

Setting up the Main Application

Create a directory mainapp. This will contain our main application. We’ll be using Go modules, so do this in mainapp:

nix run nixpkgs#go mod init "example.com/mainapp"

This will give us a go.mod file. We use example.com as domain because by convention, any Go module path starts with a domain. The domain won’t be used for querying anything. Now, let’s write a simple main application in mainapp/main.go:

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

To finish the main application, we provide it with a mainapp/flake.nix:

  description = "main application";
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-21.11;
    utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils;
    nix-filter.url = github:numtide/nix-filter;
  outputs = {self, nixpkgs, utils, nix-filter }:
    buildApp = { system, vendorSha256, plugins ? [] }:
        pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
        requirePlugin = modName: ''
          require ${modName} v0.0.0
          replace ${modName} => ./vendor-nix/${modName}
        vendorFlake = modName: src: ''
          mkdir -p $(dirname vendor-nix/${modName})
          cp -r ${src} vendor-nix/${modName}
        sources = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
          name = "mainapp-with-plugins-source";
          src = nix-filter.lib.filter {
            root = ./.;
            exclude = [ ./flake.nix ./flake.lock ];
          phases = [ "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" "installPhase" ];
          PLUGINS_GO = import ./plugins.go.nix plugins;
          GO_MOD_APPEND = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n"
            (builtins.map (p: requirePlugin p.goPlugin.goModName)
          buildPhase = ''
            mkdir vendor-nix
            ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n"
              (builtins.map (p: vendorFlake p.goPlugin.goModName
               "${p}/src") plugins)}
            printenv PLUGINS_GO >plugins.go
            echo "" >>go.mod # newline
            printenv GO_MOD_APPEND >>go.mod
          installPhase = ''
            mkdir -p $out/src
            cp -r -t $out/src *
      in pkgs.buildGoModule {
        name = "mainapp";
        src = sources;
        modRoot = "src";
        subPackages = [ "." ];
        inherit vendorSha256;
  in (utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: rec {
    packages.app = buildApp {
      inherit system;
      vendorSha256 = "pQpattmS9VmO3ZIQUFn66az8GSmB4IvYhTTCFn6SUmo=";
    defaultPackage = packages.app;
  })) // {
    lib = {
      inherit buildApp;
      pluginMetadata = goModFile: {
        goModName = with builtins; head
          (match "module ([^[:space:]]+).*" (readFile goModFile));

First, we build a derivation sources which will contain all sources we want to compile. We use nix-filter to explicitly exclude the flake.nix which is something sensible to do. If we don’t exclude flake.nix, any change there would trigger a rebuild even if it was unnecessary. nix-filter doesn’t work on self so you need to give ./..

We build the sources as explicit derivation instead of doing our modifications during the phases of buildGoModule because building a Go module consumes the sources two times: First it vendors all Go dependencies, then it compiles the sources while injecting the vendored dependencies. We want our changes to endure through both steps, so we build an explicit derivation containing our sources.

In our sources, we append lines to our go.mod file to reference any given plugins (we require that a plugin is a Go module). For a plugin named example.com/my-plugin, we’d append the following lines:

require example.com/my-plugin v0.0.0
replace example.com/my-plugin => ./vendor-nix/example.com/my-plugin

The require directive adds our plugin module as dependency; the version number is arbitrary. The replace directive tells Go that instead of searching for the plugin module in the module cache, it shall be searched at the given path. We can’t give a nix store path to replace because that path propagates to vendor/modules.txt, a file created during vendoring. That file is part of the go-modules derivation created by buildGoModule, which is a fixed output derivation and as such is not allowed to depend on other derivations, which is why having a store path there would lead to an error. Consequentially, we’ll have to setup a directory vendor-nix in our sources, and copy our plugins’ sources there, which we do in the buildPhase.

What we’re doing here is quite similar to what vendoring does and in fact, we could use this approach to manage all our Go module dependencies via Nix. However that would seriously harm tooling because if our dependencies are not in go.mod during development, an editor would be unable to give context-aware suggestions when referencing entities from that module in our code. This is not a problem with plugins because the non-generated code of our main application is not aware of any plugin module.

Speaking of generated code, we see that we add a file plugins.go. This is because a reference to our plugin modules in go.mod alone does not cause them to be compiled into the main application. In plugins.go, we will reference each given plugin in Go code, so that the plugin’s code is actually compiled into the executable. To not overcrowd the flake.nix, we put the template for plugins.go in an own file, mainapp/plugins.go.nix:

plugins: ''
package main

// Code generated by Nix. DO NOT EDIT.

import (
	    (a: b: a + "\n\t_ \"${b.goPlugin.goModName}\"")
	    "" plugins}

func init() {
	log.Println("plugins have been initialized.")

The comment line has a standard format recognized by Go that tells the compiler the file is autogenerated. That is useful for tooling that, for example, checks code style, which should not be done on autogenerated files. For each plugin, we write an import line

_ "<module path>"

The underscore means that it’s okay for the imported package to not be referenced (we would get a compiler error otherwise). The init function generated will be called after the init functions of all plugins referenced due to package initialization order.

With our plugins in vendor-nix, our additional dependencies in go.mod and our plugin loading happening in plugins.go, we have collected everything needed for our sources derivation. We install everything into $out/src.

Now we can use buildGoModule, give our sources as input, and build our plugins. subPackages tells buildGoModule which is the main module we want to compile, and the path given is interpreted relative to our modRoot. As you can see, we use vendorSha256, which is an additional input besides the plugin list to the buildApp function we declare. This is the hash over all vendored sources include the plugin sources. Since it depends on the plugins we use, it must be supplied by the caller. To know the hash you need to use, just give nixpkgs.lib.fakeSha256 initially and build once. Then, update the value to be the one that was expected as given in the error message.

In the bottom part of the Flake, we use buildApp to define a default package of our flake, that is: Our application without any plugins. Additionally, we export buildApp and a function pluginMetadata. That function takes the path to a go.mod file as input and crudely extracts the module’s name from it. It will not work for every variation of the syntax that is allowed, but works for canonical files generated via go mod init, which is good enough. We’ll need this in our plugins, since in our sources, we assumed a plugin supplies us with goPlugin.goModName. This is, by the way, how we recognize a derivation being a plugin: It contains a goPlugin attribute. For an actual application, you’d want to change that name since you’ll want to ensure that it is a plugin for your application.

And that’s how we integrate plugins into our build! Now, in mainapp, create the flake.lock, check in everything, and run it:

git add . # required for nix flake update
nix flake update
git add flake.lock
git commit -a -m "initial commit"
nix run

(Committing is optional, but saves us from a warning that the repository is dirty.) This should give us:

2022/01/06 22:58:31 plugins have been initialized.
Hello, world!

Writing the First Plugin

Create another directory simple-plugin. This will contain our first plugin. Again, do

nix run nixpkgs#go mod init

in the directory.

Let’s write another minimal Go file simple-plugin/simple.go:

package simple

import "log"

func init() {
	log.Println("initializing simple-plugin")

Now to make this directory a plugin, we write the file simple-plugin/flake.nix:

  description = "simple plugin";
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-21.11;
    utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils;
    nix-filter.url = github:numtide/nix-filter;
    mainapp.url = path:../mainapp;
    mainapp.inputs = {
      nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
      utils.follows = "utils";
      nix-filter.follows = "nix-filter";
  outputs = {self, nixpkgs, utils, nix-filter, mainapp}:
  utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
    in rec {
      packages = rec {
        plugin = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
          pname = "mainapp-plugin-simple";
          version = "0.1.0";
          src = nix-filter.lib.filter {
            root = ./.;
            exclude = [ ./flake.nix ./flake.lock ];
          passthru.goPlugin = mainapp.lib.pluginMetadata ./go.mod;
          phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" ];
          installPhase = ''
            mkdir -p $out/src
            cp -r -t $out/src *
        app = mainapp.lib.buildApp {
          inherit system;
          vendorSha256 = "PQyYXVGDETUxEsTT50TSyu/Tv+RQVhplSDFGw8ASpCw=";
          plugins = [ plugin ];
      defaultPackage = packages.app;

For vendorSha256 just supply nixpkgs.lib.fakeSha256 initially and then build once, as discussed above. Then, update the value to be the one that was expected as given in the error message.

To satisfy the assertions of the main application about plugins, we set goPlugin via passthru and use the function we defined earlier to read the plugin’s module path. Sure, we could just copy it from go.mod, but I prefer having a single source of truth. Then, we make the plugin derivation provide the plugin’s sources in src within its nix store directory.

Besides plugin, we provide a package app that is our main application extended by our plugin. Let us build this now! Just like before, in simple-plugin, create the flake.lock, check in everything, and run it:

git add .
nix flake update
git add flake.lock
git commit -a -m "first plugin"
nix run

The output should look similar to this:

2022/01/04 00:10:02 initializing simple-plugin
2022/01/04 00:10:02 plugins have been initialized.
Hello, world!

We see that the plugin code is loaded. However it cannot do much yet – this will be the topic of the next part.